June 25, 2008

Greater Than the Sum of One

A little of this, a little of that; how does it all come together, coherently? What are the Elements of Spirit, and what in the world do I mean by, "Greater than the sum of one?"

© ImageStateThis bundle of virtual pages is the sum -- everything we were doing right, where we went wrong, and how we pull ourselves (each other) out of the ditch we'd dug ourselves into in the first place. The Elements of Spirit are no longer (and never really were) just spiritual meanderings; they are all of the elements which make up a healthy sense of being, from the things that make you think, and make you laugh, and make you healthy, to those things which make you right for those brief, eternal, perfect moments, when life IS greater than the sum of its varied elements, and you know balance isn't just another noun.

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